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foliar fertilizer spray feed

Foliar fertilizer spray feed

Nutrients can’t normally be taken in through the leaves or flower buds.

Still, we foliar spray feed a lot in professional agriculture and horticulture markets.

How can this be?

We put a product with the fertilizers that is called a wetting agent.

A wetting agent is changing the tan of the surfaces so that the nutrients flow easy inside the plant.

All Metrop plant foods contain a wetting agent by default.

That means every Metrop fertilizer can be given as a foliar feed fertilizer.

When applied as a foliar fertilizer spray, the plants can effectively absorb the nutrients and the plant will be even bigger and contain more weight and strenght.

Therefore, we recommend that in addition to the regular breeding scheme, to foliar fertilizing by spraying the plants to inject an extra boost.


Metrop Calgreen:

Calgreen mainly consists of elements that build the cellular skin and membranes, making it stronger, heavier and giving the plant more resistant.

Calcium is an important nutrient for making these cell walls and membranes.

Increasing fruit calcium promotes longer storage life and resists a range of physiological break down conditions including water core, bitter pit and internal browning.

However, Calcium is also an element that is difficult to move up within a plant.

The higher the plant, the less Calcium there is in the buds.

If the Calgreen nutrients are given direct on where we need the most heavy and strong cells (the flower buds), it will result in excessive weight and strength gain.

We therefore recommend using Calgreen as a foliar feed.



Calgreen foliar feed fertilizer:

Mix 15ml of Calgreen with 5L water once a week and thoroughly spray the buds until they are dripping wet.

The EC of this Calcium foliar mixture is very high between 3.0 - 4.0 mS, but because the quality of the fertilizer is so high, the plants have no problem with that. Don’t alter the pH!

It is important that the foliar spray on the flower buds is being started from the beginning the flower buds are shown. This must be repeated every week for the new cells are being produced until the third day before harvesting.                                                        


Metrop MR2:

We also recommend foliar spray MR2. Potash is required in significant concentrations during the later stages of the crop development. MR2 consists high amount of potash which is the fattener for the fruit or plant buds, especially when potash is being given with phosphorus with the ratio 1 to 2. (2 times more potash than phosphorus)

We therefore recommend Phosphorus Potash foliar spray with Metrop MR2.



Metrop MR2 foliar feed fertilizer:

Mix 15ml with 5L water, spray on the plants once or for experienced growers twice a week, and thoroughly spray the buds until they are dripping wet.

We recommend spray Calgreen on weekends and spray MR2 on Tuesday and Thursday.

In case of foliar fertilizing MR2 twice a week, make sure the EC in the medium doesn’t increase.

Best is to measure the EC in the medium once a week. If you see the EC in the medium go up, best is to lower the nutrient EC level in the water that you fertilize to the root zone.




-Do not change the pH of the water for the foliar feed! The plant leaves, fruits and flower buds need another pH to take up the nutrients that the roots need. The wetting agent in Calgreen and any other Metrop fertilizer is tailor made for the product. Changing the pH for foliar feed will disturb the plant ability to take up the nutrients.

-Indoor Growing, always foliar feed plants with the lights on! Why never in the night is because you need a light to see something and that will disturb the plant hormone cycles. You can read more about that here.

Also, especially in the case of cannabis plants, the plants flower buds need light to vaporize the rest water quick away after all nutrients are taken by the plant flower buds.

The diffusion process that take the nutrients in to the plant is very fast, and type of flower buds like Cannabis that have a lot of hidden corners where water will stay long in the dark, can give fungi the opportunity to develop. The light will make this water vaporize very fast.

The fear of leaf burning that many growers have is unfounded. You cannot compare the 600W HPS light with the power of the summer sun at noon.

-Always make the flower buds soaking wet, so the water drips on the leaves. Foliar spray around the flower buds and fruits.

-Never use a vaporizer or mist maker to foliar spray. It is hardly effective compare to foliar fertilizing direct with a spray lance.

-Empty the foliar fertilizer tank after use. Do not make a mixture that you use for many weeks. That can give bad results. Always create a fresh mix again.

-Foliar feed fertilizer you do not mix with other (foliar feed) fertilizers. The products can be mixed and prayed together with Metrop AminoXtrem and Root+.

-Metrop Calgreen and MR2 is compatible with most, but not all, pesticides and growth regulators with regard to physical tank mixing and biological effects on the crop. However, Metrop cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage as not all pesticides and growth regulators have been tested and because the efficacy of any mix will depend on, among other factors, the pesticide concerned, crop conditions, growth stage, weather and volumes of water used. However, often reports claim that pesticides are working better when mixed with Calgreen and give as a foliar feed. Probably because of the quality of the wetting agent in Calgreen. 

Just mix, shake and spray.